10 Cheapest Places To Live In The World

Do you ever think about travelling local-style? The idea would be that instead of a 10-day vacation where you see only museums and meet throngs of fellow tourists, you go to a completely foreign place and settle there for 6 months, or a year. Some people do this as a way of life, spending even two or three years in a new land, finding work and experiencing life from a very different perspective with each move. If you decided to do this, where would you choose to go? Many of us might long to try Madrid or Paris, or perhaps somewhere more tropical like Costa Rica or the Bahamas. The problem, of course, is that life in these tourist hot spots would not be financially breezy, even if the weather was.

10 Common Migraine Triggers

There are many people who suffer from migraines, which are not your typical headache. In general, the attacks include a pulsing sensation or throbbing pain accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound, and at times nausea and vomiting, lasting from 4 to 72 hours.  Knowing the following 10 migraine triggers might just keep you from suffering one.

For the victims, the attacks can sometimes feel like they happen at random; however, one strategy that can help is the identification of possible factors that trigger them. You should try to figure out what situations or activities have a high probability of setting off a migraine. Although the triggers are not always clear, many doctors suggest keeping a diary of migraine pain in order to identify and ultimately to prevent the circumstances that cause the migraines to appear.

10 Benefits of Drinking Warm Lemon Water Every Morning

Lemons have many health benefits that have been known for centuries. The two main ones are its powerful antibacterial and antiviral power and its immune system stimulation abilities. Lemon juice is also known for its use as an aid in weight loss because it is a digestive and it also cleanses the liver.

Lemons contain many substances, especially citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, biolflavonoids, pectin, and limonene, which boost immunity and fight infection. Here are the 10 benefits of drinking warm lemon water every morning.

10 Healthy Tips From The Doctor

Here are the top 10 things you can do to get healthy. These are the most important nutrition and lifestyle changes that everyone can make to gain or maintain optimum health.

I encourage everyone to follow this program for at least 90 days, and then reevaluate their health concerns.

10 Most Popular Hotels Among World's Richest Guests

The splashy Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas has emerged the most popular hotel among the world’s richest, multi-millionaire guests.